Germany’s Democracy under Autocratic Attack—Comments on News and Prophecy October 24, 2020

In this special program, we speak on the threat to German democracy and the controversial role of Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn; continue with the second and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and its blunders and missed opportunities; address false predictions, as recently announced by Pat Robertson; speak on the mass media’s censorship and suppression of “politically incorrect” issues; as well as the looming Brexit disaster; and we conclude with deeply troubling developments in certain Church of God organizations.

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Yellowstone’s Supervolcano-How Real Is the Threat?

A recent visit to the Yellowstone National Park brought into focus the enormous size of the Supervolcano and the doomsday predictions of its impending eruption, which would kill instantly close to 100,000 people and which would leave two-thirds of the country completely uninhabitable. But is such an eruption likely? Most scientists deny this, but others are not too sure. In the end, no scientist knows or can predict anything with reasonable accuracy. What does the Bible tell us? This program includes extensive footage of the beautiful and at the same time scary environment of Yellowstone. Our booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord” is offered free of charge.

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Will Yellowstone’s Super Volcano Wipe Out America?

The New York Post wrote on December 12, 2013, that if Yellowstone’s Super Volcano erupts, it will wipe out America and have enormous impacts on the rest of the world. But is this possible? Our free booklet, “The Theory of Evolution,” explains that in the past, historic natural catastrophes, including volcanic eruptions, have destroyed large parts of the earth, and the Bible warns that similar events will happen in the near future.

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