Due to Iran’s and Hezbollah’s attack on Israel and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the situation in these areas is getting more and more precarious and devastating. The USA is largely blamed for the developments. We also observe fear-mongering in many countries regarding Covid-19, including in the USA, with medical recommendations and governmental measures and mandates continuously changing. Opposition, demonstrations and resistance in the USA and Western nations are growing. How will governments in those countries respond?
Freedom of Speech under Attack, Comments on News and Prophecy, January 16, 2021
Banning President Trump and others from certain platforms seems to be just the beginning to control unpopular viewpoints. Even European politicians express disapproval, stating that we “cannot leave it to the American Big Tech to decide how we can and cannot discuss online,” and others warn of the close connection between “private companies becoming the state’s best friends.” In the final analysis, what we are experiencing right now is a threat to true Christianity when Big Tech and others can determine what beliefs are acceptable, and which ones have to be banned. God’s true Church must be aware of this and speak up powerfully for God’s Truth.
You Have Been Warned!
World conditions become worse and worse, and the great tribulation cannot be far off. But what do YOU do with this knowledge? Do you belong to those who once had understanding of the Truth, but who have lost it? Are you compromising to appease your relatives and friends? Do you think that just as little bit of “giving in” does not matter?
Download AudioThe Radical Gender War
Should we have a designation of a third gender, as many believe? Or perhaps as many as 70, as Facebook offers? What is behind the radical intersex and transgender war? Is transgenderism dangerous? Is insisting on two genders—male and female—discriminatory and politically incorrect? Do YOU know the answers?
Download AudioGod’s Warning For Us
The time for inevitable terrible domestic and international disaster for the USA, the great tribulation, and the return of Christ is very near. With this recognition and the realization that God has given the USA the spirit of slumber comes the warning that in the light of personal struggles, the lack of progress in our own lives could have dreadful and eternal consequences for us.
Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?
Is Apple hundred percent wrong, as Donald Trump said, for not cooperating with the FBI in the fight against terrorism and for not obeying a court order compelling Apple to turn over electronic data? But does this narrative reflect the issue at hand? We need to understand what Apple’s concerns are; what the federal magistrate actually ordered Apple to do; why the industry’s biggest names, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, WhatsApp and others, are supporting Apple; and why there are worldwide security concerns if Apple were to lose this fight.
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