To Judge or Not to Judge?

We are  told in God’s Word that we are not to judge others. What does this mean, as we are also told to render righteous judgment? How can we solve this apparent conflict, and how do passages like these apply to jury duty?

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Vengeance and Revenge!

It is known that Christians are not to avenge themselves. But is it unchristian to long for God’s punishment and revenge on evildoers? Does God want Christians to endure patiently all iniquity and injustice, without ever considering that God will intervene to pay back the wicked? Is true Christianity a religion which demands suffering without the prospect of the execution of God’s justice on His enemies?

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The Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer

Is there any relationship between the Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer in Matthew 6? Some parallels are obvious, such as, “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” and “Hallowed be thy name,” but in other cases, the connection may be less clear at first sight. However, this sermon shows how the different phrases in the “Lord’s Prayer” complement each and every one of the Ten Commandments.

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