Hope and Desire in Trials

When we go through trials, do we have the faith and trust in God that He will carry us through; that He will give us the strength to endure the trial; and that He will give us the desires of our hearts? This sermon shows how we can have this confidence, and what God expects of us.

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The Inevitable

The future for the world is heading towards a terrible time, as predicted in the book of Isaiah.  Through man’s selfish desires, they look to their own resources – through warfare, idol worship and pagan beliefs, instead of looking to God and keeping His commandments.  There is hope however and God tells us how  we can be saved, and inherit everlasting life.

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Hope For the World

What is the only hope for mankind? What is the atonement for sin, which brings about forgiveness and reconciliation? Did animal sacrifices really provide the kind of atonement which God was looking for?  If not, what is it, and what does the Day of Atonement symbolize?

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A Most Excellent Gift

One of the requirements of the Christian life – at its very core – is that of love.   The day of Pentecost is a day that commemorates the giving of God’s Holy Spirit at the inception of the New Testament Church.   The Holy Spirit has given us the unique knowledge and understanding of God’s way of life.   With this vital and tremendous help, we can love God, our families, fellow church members and all other human beings.

Love of God – and fellow man – is a requirement of every true Christian and is – a most excellent gift.

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God's Kingdom and His Righteousness

Jesus Christ, while teaching His disciples principles by which they were to live instructed them that any who would follow Him should seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
Why did Christ say this? Why is it critical for one to seek after these two things? And how is one to accomplish this requirement?
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