To Judge or Not to Judge?

We are  told in God’s Word that we are not to judge others. What does this mean, as we are also told to render righteous judgment? How can we solve this apparent conflict, and how do passages like these apply to jury duty?

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Do You Believe in the True Jesus?

Christ told you: “If you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” What did He mean by that? What is it exactly that you have to believe, and what kind of faith is required? What are the most important descriptions, specifications and characteristics of Jesus, in which you have to believe, in order to inherit eternal life?

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Adultery – A Trivial Offense?

God prohibits adultery. Even though it may be normal in the eyes of many to break the marriage, God pronounces the most severe penalty for the adulterer and the adulteress. Adultery is not a trivial or minor offense, but a terrible sin against God, and He will judge those involved.

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A Holy People

What is a saint? Do saints live in heaven? Should we pray to saints for help? Or does the Bible tell us something else? Are you a saint? Do you belong to a holy people? Are you a citizen of a holy nation? If so, what are your responsibilities and privileges?

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Inside Out

Christians are challenged to examine themselves as to whether or not their Christianity is true! This testing will not succeed if it is only superficial. The vital key for us is to have God’s help in the process.

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Idolatry in the Book of Judges

When we commit idolatry, we forsake the true God. The book of Judges gives us many examples and warns us not to follow the bad lead of the ancient Israelites. But sadly, our Christian nations engage today in the same kind of Baal and Astarte worship, and calamity will be the consequence.

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