A Time for Everything

Everything has its time as Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 talks about. How can we apply each of these verses in our physical and spiritual lives?

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Does God Have Humor?

Some have a totally wrong concept of God and view Him as an impersonal “Something” without form and shape. That is not the God of the Bible! God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are a Family, and the members of the God Family are described as personalities, who have feelings, emotions, joy and humor. This sermon gives you examples of the often-overlooked humorous aspects of God’s nature.

Length: 76 Min
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A Time To Weep

The Christian life includes times of weeping and mourning. Christ said that we are blessed when we mourn and weep now. It is important to understand why and under what circumstances we will and ought to mourn. Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a purpose for weeping and mourning. What is it?

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