The raid of Trump’s private property in Florida with the obvious attempt to prevent him from running for the office of President in 2024 has backfired. There is clearly an appearance of collusion between Joe Biden, the White House, the FBI and the Justice Department. Many feel that the FBI would have NEVER conducted this highly sensitive raid without the green light from Biden and Co. The raid was conducted under the pretext of discovering classified documents, but has been described by many as an unconstitutional fishing expedition. Republicans, Democrats, Independents and retired FBI agents have condemned the action. While the raid might constitute the biggest debacle for the Biden administration, Republicans have shown their support for Trump who is now clearly viewed as their candidate for the Presidential race in 2024. But more needs to, and is being addressed, in this program.
Download AudioLawlessness
The Return of Donald Trump
Apart from occasional short comments, Donald Trump was at first pretty quiet after Joe Biden’s inauguration and Trump’s departure from Washington to his estate in Florida. But beginning with the end of January, a remarkable change could be observed. Trump began to be back in the spotlight, and it seems, he has become more popular and influential than ever. It would be naïve and a grave mistake to think that we have heard the last word and seen the last action from Trump.
Download Audio“We know!” but do we… really?
In his first letter, John rejects the false teaching of Gnosticism. Even today, God’s Church must fight against the spirit of antichrist. Converted Christians know the Truth, while growing more and more in right knowledge and understanding.
The Paradox of BLM and the Fight against Racism
Do the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement and violent riots and protests against racism really help the black community, or do they hurt them and others? Do they in fact contribute to the destruction of the USA and the UK? In this program, we will examine many examples to give you the undisputable answers to these questions.
Download AudioBelieving Multitudes Persecute Jesus
Multitudes followed Jesus when He lived here on earth as a human being. The Bible says that Christ was surrounded by an innumerable multitude of supporters. But many who believed in Him and accepted His teachings ceased to walk with Him; they became aggressive; claimed that He was possessed; and were willing to stone Him because of blasphemy. Only very few remained faithful. How could such a turn of events develop? And is it possible that something like this could happen again in our time?
Austria in Prophecy
The victory of “shooting star” and “superman” Sebastian Kurz during the last Austrian election, in conjunction with the strong possibility of a coalition with populist Heinz- Christian Strache, successor of Jörg Haider, has thrown Austria into the country’s right-wing corner of the political spectrum. 31-year old Kurz has claimed to make Austria great again, and Germany wonders why they don’t have someone like Kurz. In all the hype and euphoria, most important and relevant issues are being overlooked or forgotten, including the critical question as to biblical prophecy and the nature of sin.
Download AudioCharlottesville—Is Condemnation of Trump Justified?
What did really happen on August 12 in Charlottesville, Virginia? Was President Trump wrong in how he described the events? Did he equate the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists with people like the innocent victim, Heather Heyer, who died at the hands of a murderer? Is the almost universal condemnation of the President’s words justified? What about the violent anti-Fascist movement? And what about the removal of the statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee? What does this all mean for the future of our country?
Download AudioWhy Would Apple Resist the FBI?
Is Apple hundred percent wrong, as Donald Trump said, for not cooperating with the FBI in the fight against terrorism and for not obeying a court order compelling Apple to turn over electronic data? But does this narrative reflect the issue at hand? We need to understand what Apple’s concerns are; what the federal magistrate actually ordered Apple to do; why the industry’s biggest names, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, WhatsApp and others, are supporting Apple; and why there are worldwide security concerns if Apple were to lose this fight.
Download Audio Download VideoDo Dreams Influence Your Life?
Do dreams come from God? Does God give us secret instructions through dreams, which could be interpreted in different ways? How can we ascertain whether someone has received a dream from God, or whether someone tells false dreams? Is the concentration on dreams often times nothing but superstition? Do we need dreams and signs in order to believe God and obey Him?