In this world, we do not find much mercy. Rather, we see a lack of love; a thirst for revenge; and unmerciful conduct. But God shows us that we must be merciful in order to obtain His mercy. In many cases, self-righteousness prevents people from being merciful, as they may think that they are so much better than others; that they could never do what others have done; and that it is therefore necessary to dig up what has been buried. Such an attitude will never give us inward peace.
More Wrong Comments by Pope Francis
In his three years as pope, Francis has regularly made news with his off-the-cuff remarks that conflict with the doctrines of his own church. His most recent comments about Catholic marriages and the death penalty are no exception. But why are his comments so devastating for Catholics, and in what way are they in total conflict with the teachings of the Bible?
Download AudioVengeance and Revenge!
It is known that Christians are not to avenge themselves. But is it unchristian to long for God’s punishment and revenge on evildoers? Does God want Christians to endure patiently all iniquity and injustice, without ever considering that God will intervene to pay back the wicked? Is true Christianity a religion which demands suffering without the prospect of the execution of God’s justice on His enemies?
How Did Osama Bin Laden Really Die, If He Did?
Is was announced on May 1 that Osama bin Laden was killed by American intelligence operatives, but many haunting questions remain. Was it necessary to kill him? Was it even preferable or legal to do so? Was it in accordance with Islamic custom to bury him at sea? And, perhaps the most interesting question: How can we be so sure that it was bin Laden who was killed?
Download Audio Download VideoThe Life of Samson
We all have heard of Samson and Delilah. Hollywood has had a field day with producing movies and TV shows, capitalizing on each imaginable or inventive aspect of “that” spicy episode. To blatantly falsify and rewrite Samson’s story is called “poetic ” or “dramaturgical” license. But what is the REAL story of Samson? What can his life teach us today? After all, the book of Hebrews strongly suggests that Samson will be in the First Resurrection–in spite of all his weaknesses and problems. But his ultimate fate does not annul the fact that Samson, because of his repeated failings, had to face many devastating physical consequences, and his physical life was not easy by any stretch of the imagination.
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