Why SEVEN Days for Overcoming Sin?

We must fight against and overcome sin, and the SEVEN Days of Unleavened Bread remind us of Israel’s exodus from Egypt and the consistent refusal of Pharaoh to let Israel go. These events have deep symbolic meaning for us today and show how Satan, the ruler over sin and the powers of this world, has already lost his war with us.
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The Heart of God

Does God have a heart? What does it mean to put your whole heart into something?

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The Warning of the Watchmen

The Feast of Trumpets reminds us of the Second Coming of Christ at the sound of the last trumpet and our resurrection, change and gathering with Him. But we also think of the terrible events which will occur prior to Christ’s Return. These events are announced symbolically many times in the Bible through the blowing of trumpets.

It is the responsibility of the Church of God to proclaim the coming Kingdom of God and God’s rule over the Earth. This includes warning mankind of imminent trouble. The prophet Ezekiel received from God a warning message for the House of Israel, but it was not meant for the Ezekiel of old and the ancient House of Israel. Rather, it is a warning for the modern House of Israel and for all peoples, as well as for God’s Church, which must proclaim this message today.

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America’s Fragile Economy–the Calm before the Storm!

We hear that America’s economy is booming. But how good is it really… or how fragile? This program discusses the real winners and losers in the US-China trade war as well as the US government’s astronomical debt and its budget deficit due to reckless spending, which bad example is followed by many American citizens.

Abominable! Court Orders Abortion Despite Mother’s Objection

An absolutely terrible court decision was rendered in England by a pro-abortion judge, ORDERING an abortion although the 22 weeks pregnant Catholic mother and her mother objected, with the rationale that because six “psychiatric specialists” recommended abortion and the mother was mentally disabled, it was in her “best interest” to abort the child. Fortunately, a Court of Appeals overturned this inhuman judgment, but in what kind of an indifferent society do we live, allowing such a court decision to become possible in the first place.


Escaping Sin

We are to overcome sin continuously, but sin is very deceptive. This sermon will give many examples from the Bible of people who were not immune to sinning… who were at times easily ensnared by sin; who did not feel that a particular sin was such a big deal; or who did not even recognize sin for what it was, thinking that their actions were justified.

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The Fulfillment of the Passover through Christ and His Church

In ancient Israel under Moses, blood of the Passover lambs was put on the doorposts and the lintel of the houses of the Israelites in Egypt in order to protect those inside from physical death. But still, more was necessary for the quality of the Passover lambs and their preparation and consumption through the congregation. This sermon shows that all these requirements and characteristics were fulfilled by Christ and that they are being fulfilled today by His Church.

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How convicted are we in what we believe, to the Truth, and are we committed to it for life?

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When, How And What Should We Hate?

Is there something like righteous and godly hatred? For a Christian, it may be difficult to see how “hate” could be a part of God’s character, because many feel erroneously that a Christian must never hate. However, David gives us several examples in the book of Psalms which show us what and how we should and must hate. This includes the command to stay away from people who want to tempt us and others to sin.

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When, How and About What Should We Be Angry?

Is there righteous anger which Christians should and must have? In this sermon, we will look at examples of righteous men who became angry, and they had godly reasons for that. We will see that even Christ became angry, and why this was the case.

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