Israel’s Netanyahu Ousted?

It was reported that Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer Israel’s prime minister, as political opponents from eight greatly diverse parties announced Wednesday that they had formed a coalition that would replace him, pending a simple majority vote in Israel’s parliament to be held on or about June 14. However, if only one member does not support the coalition, it will fall apart, and Netanyahu is trying hard to break up the coalition along ideological lines. What does this all mean for the future of the state of Israel?

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The Third Temple, the End of the World, and the “Historic” Peace Deal

How do these three events correlate? Actually, the Bible makes clear that a Third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the end of this present evil world.  Preparations for the building of the Third Temple are complete. But how does today’s highly praised “historical” peace deal between Israel, the UAE and the USA come into play? This deal, which has been termed the “Abraham Accords,” has no chance for success. On the other hand, it might inadvertently accelerate prophesied events in the Middle East, but not in the way most might expect.

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Coming Civil War in the USA?—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 11, 2020

Is it really possible that we are soon going to experience civil war in the USA? Could the black live matters movement, as well as governmental restrictions and alleged falsifications of Covid cases have anything to do with that? Are you willing to compromise when it comes to obeying God rather than men, and do you listen to those who tell you that you should blindly follow human leaders by violating God’s injunctions?

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Netanyahu Is Here to Stay… Why?

An important deal has been reached in Israel with wide-ranging prophetic consequences. Why is this deal so significant in regard to Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, as well as events which have been prophesied thousands of years ago in your Bible?

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Watch powerful Germany!

Some may think that Germany is currently not that powerful. They would be wrong. This program shows the tremendous German influence in matters such as Brexit and the transition period; military operations and the coming EU Army; and Europe’s hostile stance towards the USA and Israel. It also addresses a brand-new political scandal in Germany and the German Catholic bishops’ fight with Pope Francis. Bible prophecy is marching on.

How Near Is Christ’s Return?

One of the reasons that we know that Christ’s Second Coming is just around the corner is the fact that the Jews are anxious to build the third temple in Jerusalem. An interesting case in India might be used as compelling precedence for removing the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque. America’s new policy stating that Israel’s settlements are not illegal was rejected by the EU and the Vatican and will also contribute to turmoil in the Middle East, especially in light of Israel’s plans to annex the Jordan Valley. Finally, the anointing by a Jewish Rabbi of President Trump as King constitutes for some the necessary fulfillment of a command in the Talmud, leading to the Coming of the Messiah.

Trying to Appease Russia?

Many desperate attempts are being made today to appease Putin’s Russia. Will any of these attempts succeed? What does the Bible prophesy about the future relationship between Russia and the EU, Ukraine, the Roman Catholic Church and the USA?

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