Mass Murderer Putin—the Modern Hitler; Comments on News and Prophecy, February 26, 2022

While Ukraine under Volodymyr Zelenskyy is fighting for its survival against mad mass murderer Vladimir Putin, the world stands idly by—which is reminiscent of the world’s conduct in 1939.  In fact, the similarities between Hitler and Putin are remarkable, and we should not think for a moment that Putin will be satisfied with conquering Ukraine. He may even attack NATO members to restore the old Soviet Republic. Zelensky has become a national hero, while Western leaders like Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Marcon or Boris Johnson have failed miserably. Putin is totally unpredictable because the same spiritual force possesses him which controlled and used Hitler. America will have to remember its betrayal of Ukraine, because when the USA is being attacked in the future, no one will help it either.

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Putin’s War against Ukraine… How It Happened!

Putin has declared war on Ukraine and is proceeding against his neighbor with terrible force and devastation from all sides on the ground and in the air. NATO and the western nations, including the USA and Germany, have proven to be helpless and inactive. That Putin would invade Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to our leaders,  but nobody seemed to have been prepared. This program shows the chronology of events and points out what further prophetic events will unfold.

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Germany’s Troublesome Dependency on Russia

Historically, Germany’s relationship with Russia has been an odd one, ranging from “friendship” to financial and even military collaboration, reliance, appeasement, hostility and war. Today, it is no different. Germany’s current appeasement strategy is based, in part, on economic dependency from Russia. Nothing can show this more clearly than Germany’s conduct in the present conflict with Ukraine.  But Germany’s politics will have devastating consequences.

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Trying to Appease Russia?

Many desperate attempts are being made today to appease Putin’s Russia. Will any of these attempts succeed? What does the Bible prophesy about the future relationship between Russia and the EU, Ukraine, the Roman Catholic Church and the USA?

US Foreign Policy Worse Than Ever Before!

The discussions about the “deal” between the USA and Iran are ongoing. America is accused of being weak and pursuing a policy of appeasement that emboldens Iran, while antagonizing Israel. The “deal” does not address Iran’s terrorist activities nor its desire to eradicate Israel, and President Obama and his administration are charged with creating an unbelievable Middle East powder keg, setting the stage for an unprecedented conflict. America’s downfall is inevitable, and the vacuum will be filled by other nations, according to biblical prophecy.

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