Germany’s March into its Prophesied Horrible Dictatorship

Do we realize how much Germany has already embraced a dictatorial system? This program gives some examples about Germany’s autocratic school system, from schools to governmental officials to judges, punishing and persecuting parents who are willing to follow God and obey His commandments. Most Germans are in support of the government’s dictatorial conduct, and the war against minorities on so many different levels  is escalating on a frightening scale. What can the induvial Christian do?

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US-German Friendship Has Ended! Are You WAKING UP???

The return of Christ is near. The Great Tribulation is upon us. But the world is asleep. Are YOU asleep too? In this program, we just focus on ONE prophesied sign of the wrath to come upon mankind—the severed bond of friendship between the USA and Europe under German leadership. This hostility will lead soon to a nuclear world war during which the USA will be DESTROYED. We are presenting three examples to show how hostile these “allies” are already behaving towards each other. And it is prophesied to get much worse. Are you sure you will be protected by God when this time arrives?

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Shocking Developments in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy (April 18, 2020)

What is happening in Germany right now—under the disguise of protecting the public from the coronavirus—should shake everybody up. Horrible methods are being used to silence dissenters, while restrictive measures remain in force which is clearly violating the German Constitution. But some are waking up, especially when it comes to the disproportionate prohibitions of religious services and assemblies.

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Is Another Holocaust Coming Soon?

On November 9, 2019, the world remembered the “Kristallnacht” (“The Night of Broken Glass”) in Nazi Germany, leading to the Holocaust. Many fear that another Holocaust could happen, and recent events, opinion polls and governmental decisions seem to support this concern. Anti-Semitism is clearly on the rise throughout the world, including in Germany and continental Europe, the United Kingdom and the USA.

New German Leadership Coming—Merkel’s Days Are Numbered

The debacle in the German state election in Bavaria has once again shown that Angela Merkel’s great coalition will end soon and that Merkel’s chancellorship is coming to an end as well. But what then? Will a new leadership bring peace and harmony to the current German chaos? Or will it only get worse?

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Europe’s Immigration Nightmare

Europe is involved in an unparalleled immigration scandal, showing complete disharmony, backstabbing, blackmail, compromise, selling out, a defeat of moderate voices and a victory of the far right. A European “deal” of establishing “screening centers” in African countries has been described as a “farce.” Germany’s Angela Merkel is fighting for her political survival and striking controversial and probably illegal deals with Bavaria’s Horst Seehofer regarding transit centers on European soil. Austria’s Sebastian Kurz is proposing more controversial ideas. Where will this all end?

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Election Debacle for Angela Merkel… What’s Next?

In a catastrophic state election, Chancellor Merkel’s party (CDU) suffered a devastating defeat, while the anti-immigrant and anti-Islam party (AfD)  enjoyed an unprecedented success. Merkel is blamed for the debacle, but stubbornly refuses to change her migrant policy. Minorities are deeply concerned about the AfD, and Merkel’s Bavarian sister party (CSU) under Premier Host Seehofer is willing to even go a step further than the AfD. What does all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy? Will emerging nationalism in Germany and Europe destroy the European unification project, or is just the opposite true?

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“Close the Borders to all Refugees!”

Donald Trump’s demands to close American borders to all Muslims are echoed in Germany where several politicians are saying that “Germany should completely close its borders to refugees within the next two months for an unspecified period” if it is to solve the migrant crisis. Others insist that the number of migrants must be reduced drastically, while Austria announced that no migrant will be allowed anymore to come and stay in Austria. We are told that “Germany is boiling”; that there is “an apocalyptic mood in the media”; that Chancellor “Merkel is at the heart of the criticism”; and that “everyone is against the chancellor.” What does it all mean in the light of biblical prophecy for Europe and Germany? For answers, we are offering our free booklet, “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

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Germany’s Disastrous Migrant Crisis

Europe and especially Germany are facing an unsolvable migrant crisis of unparalleled proportions in recent history, which has been caused by the situation in Syria. Both Russia and the USA are fighting for preeminence in Syria, but the Obama administration is clearly losing. Angela Merkel’s unquestioned leadership role is now under severe attack, and calls for her resignation from inside and outside her own party are becoming louder. Is a powerful German leader on the rise who might replace her? We are offering two free booklets, dealing with the subject at hand: “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy” and “The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”

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