Russian Invasion of Ukraine Inevitable?

Mounting tensions have been reported between Russia and Ukraine, with the West becoming increasingly concerned about the situation, while not really knowing as to what to do about it. With more than tens of thousands of Russian troops at the Ukrainian border, backed by tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and rocket batteries and apparently the largest mortar system in the world on its way, will Russia engage in a full-scale combat invasion of Ukraine? Will there be war between Russia and the West? How may all of this play out in the light of biblical prophecy?

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Will President Biden Unify the Country?

The USA is divided as never before. President Biden, in his inauguration speech, emphasized the need for unity. But shortly thereafter, he signed 17 sweeping executive orders, undoing much of Trump’s policies. This will do little to create any form of unity with the over 74 million Trump voters. The war of the mass media, being in cahoots with Big Tech and many Democrats, against Trump and his supporters continues.
Both the Republican Party and the Democratic seem to be deeply divided. There will not be any meaningful substantial cooperation between them.
What will 2021 bring, and what can we expect from the Biden Presidency? One thing is certain: Biden will NOT unify the country.
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Worldwide Famine Is Prophesied!

Not only are we experiencing worldwide pandemics, but we are also confronted with the global threat of famine. Is it even conceivable that we might face famine in the USA? The Bible says as much, and this program shows how it is already happening.

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Don’t Delay

What is it that we should be focusing on and preparing for so we are not caught off guard in the soon coming end times, while the rest of the world, especially the English speaking nations, are sound asleep? How can this be and what does the Bible say about this very fact? What is prophesied for 2019, especially what’s happening in Europe which can cause things to develop very quickly?

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You Have Been Warned!

World conditions become worse and worse, and the great tribulation cannot be far off. But what do YOU do with this knowledge? Do you belong to those who once had understanding of the Truth, but who have lost it? Are you compromising to appease your relatives and friends? Do you think that just as little bit of “giving in” does not matter?

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