The Second Amendment and Gun Laws—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 9, 2022

A Mass Shooting at a Fourth of July Parade; the assassination of Japan’s Shinzo Abe; and the call for tougher gun control. Why is this discussion oftentimes hypocritical, and what is overlooked when addressing the Second Amendment and the Law of God? We also speak about the mess in the UK; the confusion pertaining to the definition of “a woman”; and the reasons for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Boris Johnson Resigns and Leaves a Mess

Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Conservative Party leader, but wants to remain as a caretaker prime minister until a successor is found.  This crisis comes at a terrible time for the Brits, and it has been said that the country looks like a shambles. Before his resignation, Johnson made the spectacular suggestion of recreating the ancient Roman Empire in Europe, which will indeed rise again, but the consequences for the UK will be disastrous. On top of that, it has been said that the UK is totally unprepared for a nuclear world war which could ultimately annihilate all of mankind.

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Putin’s War against Ukraine… How It Happened!

Putin has declared war on Ukraine and is proceeding against his neighbor with terrible force and devastation from all sides on the ground and in the air. NATO and the western nations, including the USA and Germany, have proven to be helpless and inactive. That Putin would invade Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to our leaders,  but nobody seemed to have been prepared. This program shows the chronology of events and points out what further prophetic events will unfold.

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The Afghanistan Catastrophe

The deadly suicide attacks near the Kabul airport only emphasize how chaotic and catastrophic the situation is in Afghanistan, with tens of thousands of stranded Americans and others being left behind and forsaken by incompetent governments. Especially the UK and Germany are blaming the Biden Administration for Europe’s embarrassing retreat, and voices are being heard for a reevaluation of Europe’s relationship with the USA. The Bible tells us much about what is going on right now, and how it will end.

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The Return of Donald Trump

Apart from occasional short comments, Donald Trump was at first pretty quiet after Joe Biden’s inauguration and Trump’s departure from Washington to his estate in Florida. But beginning with the end of January, a remarkable change could be observed. Trump began to be back in the spotlight, and it seems, he has become more popular and influential than ever. It would be naïve and a grave mistake to think that we have heard the last word and seen the last action from Trump.

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Europe’s Threats Get Louder and Its Actions More Worrisome!

The EU is destined to become a most powerful political and even military bloc, and its most recent threats against other countries and its actions are becoming more and more frightening and worrisome. This program discusses Europe’s threats against the USA, the UK and prospective EU member states, as well as French and German military ambitions in view of the ongoing demise of NATO. Biblical prophecy IS marching on.

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Hostility between Germany and the USA Continues—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 6, 2020

Angela Merkel refused to join the G7, to be hosted by Donald Trump at the end of June, who reacted with anger and postponed the entire summit until this fall. Germany sided with the protests in the USA against police brutality and racial discrimination and openly declared that they are done with Trump. In response, Trump announced that he will withdraw about 9,500 American troops from Germany, causing a sharp rebuke from German governmental officials. Germany also announced that while they will be allowing Europeans to travel freely throughout Europe by June 15, this will not include Americans. Where will this continuing alienation and hostility lead?

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Netanyahu Is Here to Stay… Why?

An important deal has been reached in Israel with wide-ranging prophetic consequences. Why is this deal so significant in regard to Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, as well as events which have been prophesied thousands of years ago in your Bible?

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What Does the Bible Reveal about the Third Temple prior to Christ’s Return? Part 2

What will happen when the Jews begin to bring animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple there? Which nations and political leaders will support the Jews, and who will fight against them in a nuclear war? How do current events show what will happen soon? The continuation of last week’s sermon brings additional clarity.

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BREXIT DONE! The UK GONE! Was It Inevitable?

The UK formally leaves the European Union on Friday night, January 31, 2020. HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE. But the UK will enter a hotly contested transition period of 11 months during which the UK will have to continue to obey EU rules and pay money to the EU. Other obligations and restrictions apply as well.
One British paper wrote: “Could it have worked?… Or was it always doomed to failure?… Was it sheer bad luck and timing?” The Truth is, Brexit was inevitable. It was preordained to happen. The EU-UK cooperation was “doomed to failure.” The Bible says so, but why?

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