Why Is America in so much Trouble?

With America’s disastrous and embarrassing retreat from Afghanistan and the murderous Taliban being back in power, with natural catastrophes and misguided human beliefs, a common denominator should become obvious, while many lies are exposed. This program shows you WHY America is experiencing unprecedented disasters and explains that God is not mocked.

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Election Debacle for Angela Merkel… What’s Next?

In a catastrophic state election, Chancellor Merkel’s party (CDU) suffered a devastating defeat, while the anti-immigrant and anti-Islam party (AfD)  enjoyed an unprecedented success. Merkel is blamed for the debacle, but stubbornly refuses to change her migrant policy. Minorities are deeply concerned about the AfD, and Merkel’s Bavarian sister party (CSU) under Premier Host Seehofer is willing to even go a step further than the AfD. What does all of this mean in the light of biblical prophecy? Will emerging nationalism in Germany and Europe destroy the European unification project, or is just the opposite true?

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