The Fight for Jerusalem

The UN Security Council condemned the USA and President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Subsequently, the UN General Assembly, with the support of some US “allies,” declared the US declaration “null and void.” But a few countries opposed that totally inappropriate UN vote, while others abstained or chose to be absent. The US stated that they will take names of those countries that voted in favor of the UN resolution. This program will do just that and identify the major countries within the UN opposing or supporting the USA and Israel; and we point out why this is important in the light of biblical prophecy.

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Why Do YOU Keep Easter?

Where did the celebration of Easter come from? Why did many Christians over the centuries never keep it, including the Reformers and the Puritans, and why don’t some Christians keep it today? How and through whom were Easter customs adopted by the American people? Does the Bible endorse their observance? Our free booklet on “Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days” is offered as well.

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Rebellion in the Christian Church?

The results of a worldwide survey for Catholics reflect a devastating disagreement between teaching and practice. This can also be observed in most other churches in mainstream Christianity. But who is right, and who is wrong? Is it right or wrong to divorce, to use contraceptives, to have sexual relationships outside of marriage, or to endorse abortion, self-sex marriages and homosexual practices? While Pope Francis is viewed as a reformer, retired Pope Benedict is “the fixed star of the traditionalists” in the Catholic Church, “setting the standard” for them today. What does this all mean, also in light of the prophesied “false prophet” to manifest himself within traditional Christianity in the next few years?

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