Why the Devastating Floods in Europe?

CBS wrote on July 16 that “the scale of the disaster is unlike anything the area has seen in living memory—the worst deluge recorded in the region in more than 200 years…” Newsmax added on July 21 that thousands are still missing who are most likely dead. But why do disasters like these happen? Is it because of man-made global warming, or is the real cause overlooked? And once the cause is identified, do people respond and react in the right way?

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Pope Warns of a Worldwide Flood

In referring to the “story of the great flood in the Bible,” Pope Francis said that “humanity is facing another ‘great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of glaciers.’” He continued that the “biblical flood which destroyed the world except for Noah… may have been a myth.”

What does the Bible say about Noah’s flood and the possibility of another deluge in our time?

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Controversial Political Involvement of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis and the Vatican exert tremendous influence on the world’s political scene–the most recent leaked encyclical is just one more example. Is the Catholic Church’s involvement in politics a good thing? Many don’t realize that the Vatican is a state, patterned after the governments of this world. But it is not just a religious institution, but also a mighty political force. The Bible shows where it will all lead. We are offering our free booklet, “The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!”

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