Dramatic Events in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 5, 2021

Germany is in the news… whether it’s their refusal to help Ukraine militarily; their admission of genocide in Namibia; the precise revelation of the exact number and location of American nuclear weapons on German soil; Bild Online’s strong accusation of the German government’s mismanagement of the coronavirus crisis, causing great harm to children; and the “real, if not declared” schism between the Vatican and the German Catholic Church with the world’s richest diocese in Cologne… Germany is THE power to watch in the light of biblical prophecy.

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What God’s Church Needs to Do!– Comments on News and Prophecy

We are told to cry aloud and spare not.  This includes, pointing at and proclaiming prophetic developments in the light of biblical prophecy. And we must do so boldly and with conviction. Some don’t do this at all; others want us to give a watered-down Laodicean-type message, where anything goes. But this is not what we must do.

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Germany’s Past Resurrected?—Comments on News and Prophecy, January 23, 2021

Developments in Germany are frightening and deeply disturbing, including the creation of detention centers for those who ignore lockdown measurers. The comparison with Nazi Germany’s concentration camps has been drawn. And while total lockdowns have been instituted in Germany, which many find to be unconstitutional, Merkel’s successor as Party Chief has been elected—Armin Laschet. Here is what you ought to know about him and others who are supporting him for now.

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Is Another Holocaust Coming Soon?

On November 9, 2019, the world remembered the “Kristallnacht” (“The Night of Broken Glass”) in Nazi Germany, leading to the Holocaust. Many fear that another Holocaust could happen, and recent events, opinion polls and governmental decisions seem to support this concern. Anti-Semitism is clearly on the rise throughout the world, including in Germany and continental Europe, the United Kingdom and the USA.

Worldwide Attack on Our Innocent Children

This program gives you several abominable examples of the society’s attack on our children and encourages you to counter-act such vicious and immoral deceptions, from euthanasia of young children at any age, to late-term abortions in the name of science, to cancer-causing glyphosate in vaccines and children’s food, to harmful e-cigarettes, to promotion of transgender, to sexual child abuse by Catholic priests. None of these examples are in line with the biblical admonition to train up our children in the fear of God and allow them to come to Christ.

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Europe’s Immigration Nightmare

Europe is involved in an unparalleled immigration scandal, showing complete disharmony, backstabbing, blackmail, compromise, selling out, a defeat of moderate voices and a victory of the far right. A European “deal” of establishing “screening centers” in African countries has been described as a “farce.” Germany’s Angela Merkel is fighting for her political survival and striking controversial and probably illegal deals with Bavaria’s Horst Seehofer regarding transit centers on European soil. Austria’s Sebastian Kurz is proposing more controversial ideas. Where will this all end?

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How Does Trump’s Executive Order Help Innocent Children?

After a worldwide outcry over the “zero tolerance” policy of the Trump administration, criminalizing all illegal immigrants and leading to the separation of young children from their parents and the internment of the children in detention camps, President Trump signed an executive order, claiming that it will keep migrant families together. But does the executive order help the children, or does it make matters worse? Is the European condemnation hypocritical as they are engaging in similar conduct? Why are our immigration systems so broken and what does the Bible have to say about all of this? Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions right when he stated that Romans 13 commands us to obey the laws of the government? Must we obey all laws, even though they might violate the letter or the spirit of God’s Word?

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Limited Version of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Takes Effect

With the controversial decision on the revised travel ban, the United States Supreme Court has set the stage for much more drastic and troublesome events to follow. What exactly is permitted and prohibited regarding tourists, business people, family members and refugees? Will citizens from European nations be affected in the future? The Bible shows us that TERRIBLE times of hostility are just around the corner.

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