Believing Multitudes Persecute Jesus

Multitudes followed Jesus when He lived here on earth as a human being.  The Bible says that Christ was surrounded by an innumerable multitude of supporters. But many who believed in Him and accepted His teachings ceased to walk with Him; they became aggressive; claimed that He was possessed; and were willing to stone Him because of blasphemy. Only very few remained faithful. How could such a turn of events develop? And is it possible that something like this could happen again in our time?

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The Falling Away Comes First

Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians that a prophesied falling away from the Truth will occur at approximately the same time when the man of sin will be manifested on the world scene. Are there other Scriptures in the Old and the New Testament revealing to us that a major falling away will occur just prior to Christ’s return? Why will people become so deceived, and what can we do to prevent this from happening to us?

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Do NOT Pray to Angels!

Recently, Pope Francis encouraged Roman Catholic Church members to pray to the “archangels” Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and to recite the prayer to “Saint Michael” often. This program shows you why it is extremely dangerous to pray to or contact angels, and it explains that the Bible prohibits you from doing so. It also warns you that you might instead contact fallen angels or demons, who are also called “familiar spirits,” since they want to familiarize themselves with you. We are offering our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World.”

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