America’s Downfall IS Prophesied!

Some observers recognize that America is divided and in decline. They openly talk about its downfall, both domestically and internationally. But many don’t see or care about the signs of the time. The Bible confirms that the USA will lose its supreme military and economic power in the world. But there IS light at the end of the dark tunnel.

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America No Longer a Great Nation—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 2, 2022

President Donald Trump said it well at a recent rally in Mendon, Illinois: “It is no longer a great nation. It is a nation in decline.” He then went on to explain as to why he came to that conclusion which is, sadly, very true. In this program, we also discuss the possibility of “legal civil war” in the USA, as well as the willingness of many American citizens to take up arms against the government “at one point soon.” Finally, we quote recent comments from Pope Francis which echo what Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong already said in 1945.

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Is America Destroying Itself?

This program contains many examples proving that America is deeply divided, and division leads to destruction. One author wrote that the US collapse would be one of the most spectacular instances of decline in world history. The sad truth is that we are doing it to ourselves, and it has been prophesied to occur.

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