Equality with God in His Kingdom?

Is it our destiny to attain equality with God? Or just a certain resemblance? Is Christ equal to God or just similar to Him? What does it mean to inherit the Kingdom of God? What IS the Kingdom of God? Do we have to do something to inherit it? What is meant by “born again”? Who or what is God? IS God a Family, or does He just HAVE a Family? What is the connection between God, the God Family, and the Kingdom of God? What is the gospel of the Kingdom? And finally, what is the most important work of God on earth today?

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Understanding the Work of God

Is there a Work of God today? If so, what is it? Or, has the Work of God ended? Will it ever end? Is there a connection between the Work of God and the creation of man, the building of the tabernacle and the temple, the appearance of Jesus Christ as a Man, the Sabbath and the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God? How can you have a part in the Work of God? The Bible gives us astonishing answers and contradicts common beliefs about the Work of God.

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