Both Feet In

Since our calling to the truth, we have had a foot in the door.  To bring our other foot in was our choice to get baptized and to live God’s way of life.  Even though we still go through struggles, what do we need to do to keep both feet in, and what does God promise to all who remain faithful until the end?

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The Fools and the Foolish

There are 3 aspects the Bible talks about when it comes to the words “fool”, “foolish”, or “foolishness”. How does the Bible describe a fool and what does the Bible say about foolishness? What does it mean when the Bible talks about the foolish things of the world?

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Made for Man

What has God made for man and what has man taken for granted?  God created everything and gave man a big responsibility to uphold His creation and man also had a big responsibility to keep God’s law, but man as a whole has failed to do so by giving into sin.  There are many things which are a mystery to this world like the Sabbath, for example, as to how and why it is to be kept.  Those of us who have been called out of this world need to make sure that we don’t take lightly what God expects of us, by obeying Him and keeping His day of rest holy, or we will miss out of His plan for us.


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©2025 Church of the Eternal God