Germany’s March into its Prophesied Horrible Dictatorship

Do we realize how much Germany has already embraced a dictatorial system? This program gives some examples about Germany’s autocratic school system, from schools to governmental officials to judges, punishing and persecuting parents who are willing to follow God and obey His commandments. Most Germans are in support of the government’s dictatorial conduct, and the war against minorities on so many different levels  is escalating on a frightening scale. What can the induvial Christian do?

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God’s Message to Laodicea

In what way is God’s letter to His Church in Laodicea a strong warning for us today, especially in light of the coronavirus? Are the oftentimes totalitarian measures to combat the virus a preview of the manifestation of the beast? In this sermon, we will also discuss questions such as: What is meant with a lukewarm attitude? Did Christ have a beginning?  Who was Melchizedek? Why won’t God protect many Laodiceans during the Great Tribulation? Why does God warn especially Laodiceans not to fight in war?

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Germany in Panic Mood

The German government is contemplating highly unpopular measures of civil defense and military actions, due to perceived or real threats facing the country’s very existence. These measures have a direct relationship to biblical prophecy. In addition, European leaders from Germany, France and Italy are pressing ahead for increased cooperation on defense and the establishment of a European Army.

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