The World’s March towards Totalitarianism—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 26, 2021

We discuss a startling account of a Holocaust survivor who draws frightening parallels with what we are experiencing today in so many areas of life, including exclusionary laws and discrimination, forbidden activities and debates, as well as the propagation of outright lies. It all becomes clear when we understand that it is Satan the Devil, the author of lies, who rules this earth.

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Is Germany again on Its Way to a Dictatorship?

Are the huge protests in Berlin against coronavirus restrictions; the incorrect national and international reporting in the “mainstream” media; and the “outrage” of Germany’s government about the “storming” of the Reichstag showing signs of the development of a totalitarian dictatorship in Germany? This program will show that the “official” reporting of the events has been terribly deceiving, and what REALLY happened in Berlin last Saturday.

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Faith That Saves

Faith all by itself without any action isn’t enough to be saved. What do we need to do in order for us to be truly saved from death? How can we learn from the examples in the Bible what it means to put our complete trust in God?

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Overcoming Fear

Fear is something that has been talked about and warned about for many years.  The world is in a present state of fear.  What does God expect us to do? Will we obey Him and what He commands or will we give in to fear?

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The Coronavirus and the Migrant Crisis–Comments on News and Prophecy, March 7, 2020

Europe and especially Germany are facing a most serious challenge in the form of another migrant crisis, while the hysterical reactions to the coronavirus outbreak are reaching astronomical proportions. At the same time, it has been stated by experts that within the next 18 months, 65 million people might die of the virus. The global economy is already at the brink of recession, if not depression, and there is fear that another pandemic, much more deadly than the coronavirus, is on the horizon.

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Pentecost: God Will Provide

Do we believe that God will provide in ALL things?  What do we ask for?  What kind of blessings can we expect to receive if we live righteously? How do we put God to the test if we want to receive blessings?

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Conquer Our Obstacles

We encounter many obstacles in our lives on a daily basis which come in various forms. How can we overcome them and in what ways can we learn from the examples we read about in the Bible?

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For Life

When we decided to become baptized and live God’s Way, we made a life-long decision. We counted the cost and chose God over everything else. But in time, our first love and enthusiasm might have diminished. Other priorities might have taken hold of us. Sin might have become less serious in our minds, and ongoing repentance might have been looked at as rather unimportant. How dedicated are we today to hold fast until the end?

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Wrestling Sin

The Bible says that we all sin and at times it can be a constant struggle, as we try to overcome. What can we learn from the examples in the Bible about those who continuously wrestled with sin?

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Not Because of Our Own Strength

Many try desperately to solve their problems, based on their own strength. This will never work. It is God who must fight for us and strengthen us. But how does that happen, and what mistakes can we still make, even if we recognize our own weakness and our dependency from God?

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