The Raid—a Failed Attempt to Stop Trump!

The raid of Trump’s private property in Florida with the obvious attempt to prevent him from running for the office of President in 2024 has backfired. There is clearly an appearance of collusion between Joe Biden, the White House, the FBI and the Justice Department. Many feel that the FBI would have NEVER conducted this highly sensitive raid without the green light from Biden and Co. The raid was conducted under the pretext of discovering classified documents, but has been described by many as an unconstitutional fishing expedition. Republicans, Democrats, Independents and retired FBI agents have condemned the action. While the raid might constitute the biggest debacle for the Biden administration, Republicans have shown their support for Trump who is now clearly viewed as their candidate for the Presidential race in 2024. But more needs to, and is being addressed, in this program.

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The Return of Donald Trump

Apart from occasional short comments, Donald Trump was at first pretty quiet after Joe Biden’s inauguration and Trump’s departure from Washington to his estate in Florida. But beginning with the end of January, a remarkable change could be observed. Trump began to be back in the spotlight, and it seems, he has become more popular and influential than ever. It would be naïve and a grave mistake to think that we have heard the last word and seen the last action from Trump.

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Biden the President-elect? Not so Fast!—Comments on News and Prophecy (November 7, 2020)

In the morning of November 7, just prior to a press conference by President Trump’s attorneys, the mass media and most networks declared Joe Biden to be the President-elect. However, Newsmax refuses to call Biden the winner. Why is that? Newsmax explains that the votes are still being counted, recounts are certain, and accusations of fraud and irregularities in several states are going to be brought before the courts. In addition, President Trump is not conceding and has no intention of doing so anytime soon. What are some of the specific allegations which the courts will be asked to decide?

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Worldwide Famine Is Prophesied!

Not only are we experiencing worldwide pandemics, but we are also confronted with the global threat of famine. Is it even conceivable that we might face famine in the USA? The Bible says as much, and this program shows how it is already happening.

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Religious Persecution of Christian Pastors in the USA?

We hear about more and more cases where pastors defy the orders of the state governments prohibiting them and their Church congregations to assemble for worship services. Police are being employed to break up the services and fine and perhaps even arrest the pastor and others. Some wonder as to how long will Americans tolerate such intrusion into their sacred and cherished rights of religious liberty, warning that civil unrest and worse could be the consequence. Listen to what the Bible has to say about this serious development.

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New Appalling Immigration Proclamation and Scandalous Jury Duty Judgment–News and Prophecy, October 5, 2019

Late Friday on October 4, in the darkness and under the cover of night, the White House issued a new proclamation which would deny visas to thousands, if not millions of spouses, parents and siblings of US CITIZENS. This appalling rule would be in line with President Trump’s ultimate goal to deny immigration to anyone but to the rich, the wealthy and the highly educated. Also, in a ridiculous judgment, a Florida Judge sentenced a 21-year old young man to 10 days in jail and issued other penalties for not showing up for jury duty.

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Comments on News and Prophecy (August 18, 2018)

In this new feature, we are commenting on our age of selfishness; the worst-case chaotic scenario of a “no deal Brexit”; the biblical prophecy of a third temple prior to Christ’s return and the ignorance of those who reject this truth; the reasons for Turkey’s fight with the USA; the future of Romania; military parades and the Millennium; Florida’s red tide; and the autocratic rule of the “dictator pope.” We also address the biblical reasons for ordinations.

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Will Horrific Mass Shootings Ever Stop?

Another terrible school shooting, this time in Florida, begs the question as to whether politicians will finally be willing to do something about those senseless murders. The statistics of gun violence in the USA is alarming and abominable. But what can be done to prevent further atrocities to occur? Many “solutions” are proposed, but even though some may help to some extent, none does address the underlying problem and none will bring a lasting substantive solution. However, there is a way, but for now, it is being rejected. And so, we are going to hear of more and more murders by mentally disturbed and demon-possessed perpetrators.

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WHY Unprecedented Hurricanes and Wildfires?

Hurricane Harvey—a Category 4 Storm! Hurricane Irma—a Category 5 Storm and the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricane in recorded history… Largest wildfire in LA history… Wildfires in the U.S. West have burned 50 percent more than during the same period in 2016! WHY? Can all of these “natural disasters” be explained by mere coincidence? Or are spiritual reasons involved?

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At the Brink of Armageddon?

Are we really that close to the annihilation of mankind, as many suppose? What are the reasons for the update of the Doomsday Clock which now stands at two and a half minutes to midnight, where midnight represents the end of humanity? Why is it felt that Donald Trump made this world a much more dangerous place, and whom is he viewing as America’s greatest adversaries? Could failed nuclear tests and computer glitches play a significant role in a nuclear exchange? The Bible predicts Armageddon; but how exactly will it happen?

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