Germany’s Democracy under Autocratic Attack—Comments on News and Prophecy October 24, 2020

In this special program, we speak on the threat to German democracy and the controversial role of Germany’s health minister Jens Spahn; continue with the second and final presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and its blunders and missed opportunities; address false predictions, as recently announced by Pat Robertson; speak on the mass media’s censorship and suppression of “politically incorrect” issues; as well as the looming Brexit disaster; and we conclude with deeply troubling developments in certain Church of God organizations.

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The Falling Away IS HERE—Comments on News and Prophecy (August 29, 2020)

Looking at the ongoing fulfillment of biblical prophecy right now,  the question becomes more and more critical for you as to whether you will keep the Feast of Tabernacles at the place where God has chosen to “put His name.” And, whether you will keep it in the way which God has prescribed and ordered by God. If you are not, or if you compromise in any way, maybe because of fear, you are in danger of departing from the Truth and the living God—slowly perhaps, but surely.

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America’s departure and Germany’s future—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 8, 2020

The decision to remove some 12,000 troops out of Germany is a “sign—not a good—one of what lies ahead.” Almost half of Germans welcome the withdrawal of US troops, showing that the relationship between Germany and the USA has never been that good… but it is getting worse. At the same time, what will happen to Germany when, as prophesied, it is being attacked with nuclear weapons, and could China, Russia and Iran play a decisive role in that regard?

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