Did Jesus Keep Hanukkah?

There is no biblical support for the idea that Christ participated in modern Hanukkah celebrations. The “miracle of the oil” which allegedly lasted for eight days is merely a legend and historically inaccurate. It was apparently adopted from pagan concepts at the time when the Babylonian Talmud was written, long after the Maccabees. But God does not accept our worship if we incorporate elements, which were used by pagans to observe their holidays.

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Childrearing in a Christian-Jewish Family

Recently, a Jewish lady wrote about the difficulty of raising her child together with a Christian father, especially around Christmas and Easter time. In this program, we are showing important principles for marriage and childrearing, explain 1 Corinthians 7:39, and clear up rampant misunderstandings. We point out that compromise is never a solution, and reveal that Christmas and Easter are not Christian. We offer our free booklets, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families” and “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

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