Hawaii’s Nuclear Alert Disaster–a Foretaste of Things to Come

“An emergency alert notification sent out on Saturday claiming a ‘ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii’ was a false alarm,” caused by an employee who “pushed the wrong button” from a “drop-down menu on a computer program.” Before a retraction was issued, much more went wrong, showing the complete incompetency of those responsible for the entire warning system. The “mayhem in Hawaii raised the specter of an accidental nuclear war,” leading to “global annihilation.” Many feel that the Trump administration has “heightened tensions and increased the risk of accidental calamity.” An example from bygone radio broadcast days shows that panic can ensue when the unimaginable appears to become reality. The sad truth is that the incident in Hawaii and subsequent developments in Japan are a foretaste of prophesied events which will cause “suffering beyond all imagination.”

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Trump’s Birther Movement–Why It Still Matters!

After years of criticism, Donald Trump stated last week, without any explanation, that President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Subsequently, he seemed to reverse that statement. Serious doubts remain, and the issue is far from resolved. Why does it matter? What is the assessment of many legal scholars IF it should be shown that Mr. Obama was not born in Hawaii?

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