There have been rumors for quite a while about the alleged homosexuality of Austria’s former and future Chancellor, but the press basically avoids talking about them. However, would there exist any prophetic biblical significance in that regard?
Heinz Christian Strache
Austria in Prophecy
The victory of “shooting star” and “superman” Sebastian Kurz during the last Austrian election, in conjunction with the strong possibility of a coalition with populist Heinz- Christian Strache, successor of Jörg Haider, has thrown Austria into the country’s right-wing corner of the political spectrum. 31-year old Kurz has claimed to make Austria great again, and Germany wonders why they don’t have someone like Kurz. In all the hype and euphoria, most important and relevant issues are being overlooked or forgotten, including the critical question as to biblical prophecy and the nature of sin.
Download AudioA European Army under German Control
Do you realize that we will see very soon a powerful European army under German command, with the exclusion of the UK? Before you disagree, listen to the facts as to what is ALREADY transpiring in Europe, which have been greatly ignored by the American mass media. Learn as to why the current and next American Presidents are viewed as great threats to European security and interests. And did you know about the new rising star of Austria, future President Norbert Hofer, who MIGHT play an important role in European politics?
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