How America Is Destroying Itself… Terrible Consequences of the Shutdown

Was Abraham Lincoln right when he prophesied that America would destroy itself? Sadly, the crazy government shutdown gives us a foretaste of what is going to happen. Millions upon millions of people are already affected, and it will get much worse, as this program shows. The Bible condemns very strongly what is happening, but most people are sound asleep.

Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?

Is Apple hundred percent wrong, as Donald Trump said, for not cooperating with the FBI in the fight against terrorism and for not obeying a court order compelling Apple to turn over electronic data? But does this narrative reflect the issue at hand? We need to understand what Apple’s concerns are; what the federal magistrate actually ordered Apple to do; why the industry’s biggest names, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, WhatsApp and others, are supporting Apple; and why there are worldwide security concerns if Apple were to lose this fight.

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Mid-Term Elections-Victory or Defeat for America?

The U.S. mid-term elections were held-with a stunning victory for the Republicans and an equally stunning defeat for the Democrats and the President. But even though the Republicans have gained the majority in the House and the Senate, will this drastically change the political landscape of America? Or are those correct who predict a “gridlock on steroids” for the next two years and warn that we are now facing the “two most dangerous years of America’s existence”? Why is it that others state that the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago was the beginning of the end of the American Republic? This program gives you answers and offers our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” It also encourages our viewers and listeners to give us feedback to our programs in writing or via the telephone.

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