When Does God Allow Abortions?

Alabama passed a near-total ban on abortion. Other states have approved bans under certain circumstances. Then there are those states which allow abortion under any and all circumstances. Ultimately, the US Supreme Court is bound to decide the issue, re-visiting its 1973 landmark decision, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationally. How does God look at the matter of abortion? And what do the Christian teachings about Born Again, Sexual Relationships and Predestination have to do with the concept of abortion? Our free booklets on these topics will give you the answer.

Lot in Sodom

Jesus warned us that the time of His Second Coming could be compared with the days of Lot and the conditions in Sodom. Was Lot a righteous man? Why did he live in Sodom? Why was Sodom destroyed? Was it only because of homosexual conduct? Are there archeological proofs outside the Bible showing us that Sodom was indeed destroyed? Why did Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father? What can we learn from Lot’s life?

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Why ALL Candidates are WRONG on Abortion!

Donald Trump ignited a national and international firestorm when he said that if Congress declared abortion to be illegal, aborting women should be punished in some way. All the political candidates and major pro-life groups condemned him for his statement, and shortly thereafter, Trump walked back and said that a woman should not be punished, as she is a victim. This program shows why all these opinions are wrong, based on the Bible.


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