Johnson’s Brexit; Trump’s Impeachment; Netanyahu’s New Elections… What Do They Have in Common?

After the momentous election victory of Boris Johnson, Brexit is given and
will occur very soon. But new troubles with Europe and within the UK are on
the horizon. The morbid efforts of Democrats to impeach Donald Trump have
guaranteed his re-election. And Benjamin Netanyahu will remain in power
until the next election in March and beyond. The friendship between these
three leaders and the close cooperation between their three countries
against virtually the entire world is biblically remarkable from a
biblically prophetic standpoint.

Is Another Holocaust Coming Soon?

On November 9, 2019, the world remembered the “Kristallnacht” (“The Night of Broken Glass”) in Nazi Germany, leading to the Holocaust. Many fear that another Holocaust could happen, and recent events, opinion polls and governmental decisions seem to support this concern. Anti-Semitism is clearly on the rise throughout the world, including in Germany and continental Europe, the United Kingdom and the USA.

Are Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism Connected?

The Algemeiner wrote on May 20: “… it’s often the case that where you find anti-Semitism, you will also find an associated anti-Americanism.” Why is this so, and how do both forms of prejudice manifest themselves? The article uses Britain’s hard-left Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn as a prime example. In addition, there is a third form of prejudice which is closely connected with anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism. Which is it, and why is there such a connection?

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