Catholic Politicians’ Hypocrisy on Abortion Rights

High-ranking Catholic politicians may speak against abortion in private, but support it in public. The Catholic Church condemns abortion and is highly critical of “devout” practicing Catholics, such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo, Patrick Leahy and others, who officially uphold a pro-choice position. But is abortion really wrong, and does God prohibit it?

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Why the Hatred for Israel and God’s Law?

On January 4, 2017, The Washington Post wrote about reasons for the world’s hatred of the state of Israel and the Jews; and one of these reasons explains why especially “traditional” Christianity teaches that Christ came to do away with the Law of God and to replace it with “grace.” If YOU believe in this deceptive concept, it may lead to YOUR physical death in the near future, and ultimately, to your eternal death. Our free booklet, “God’s Law… or God’s Grace?” shows you the TRUTH from the BIBLE which you MUST know in order to survive the terrible times ahead of us.

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Can Worldwide Terror Be Stopped?

Just in the month of July alone, several terror attacks have been happening in Europe. While Democrats in the US don’t even offer any solutions, some Republicans discuss certain plans, but how practical and successful would they be? All suggestions overlook the only true solution for the end of worldwide terror attacks.


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Turkey in Chaos… What’s Next?

Tayyip Erdogan uses the failed coup in Turkey as “justification” for a witch hunt of frightening proportions against anyone critical of his methods. Some feel that Erdogan staged the coup himself. Others state that “hell hath no fury like an Erdogan who narrowly survives.” The Telegraph writes that “Erdogan’s purge may give NATO no choice but to expel Turkey from the alliance.” Will this happen? Will Turkey ever become a member of the EU? Similarities to the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany in 1933 and the bloody aftermath are compelling. What does the Bible tell us about Turkey’s future? Our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy,” gives the answer.

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Turmoil in the Middle East

We need to focus on the Middle East because it is there where World War III will begin. In this special program, we will be discussing events pertaining to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Egypt , Syria, Libya, Ethiopia and ISIS. We will also address growing anti-Semitism in Europe and the strained relationship between Israel and the EU. We will explain how these events fit into the panorama of biblical prophecy, and what we can expect to occur next.

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The Secret Iran Deal–What They Are Hiding From You!

The Iran Deal has been labeled as the “historic deal of the century,” which will bring peace to the Middle East. It has also been described as “catastrophic” and “idiotic,” which is “marching Israelis to the door of the oven.” There are many aspects within the deal and its many secret side deals which the US government refuses to reveal to the American public. In this program, we will show you numerous widely-unknown facts, proving that America’s leadership has given away “the whole store,” while receiving NOTHING in return and having become a laughing stock of the Iranians. This is all in line with biblical prophecy, and YOU need to know what YOU can do, individually, to escape the inevitable downfall of the USA. We are offering our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.”

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A New Order for the Middle East?

The Bible prophesies that when the US falls, Europe under German leadership will rise. This programs gives you up-to-date information on America’s declining influence in the Middle East and around the world, and Germany’s ambitious plans for a new order for that part of the world, citing security concerns for Europe. We are also addressing the potential of the return of the monarchy in Germany. We are offering you three of our free booklets related to this program, dealing with biblical prophecy.

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Why the Hatred for Israel?

Israel stands condemned. Anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews can be again observed worldwide. This program gives you some truly shocking examples and explains from history why there is continuing war and strife in the Middle East, and what constitutes the only solution for peace in that region.

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America’s Disastrous Domestic and Foreign Policies

The domestic and foreign policy of the USA is a total and complete disaster. In this program, we quote many liberal and conservative national and international voices, showing the “declining American influence and commitment in the Middle East,” the “incompetence” of the President; and his lack of “vision or power,” while putting “politics and ideology ahead of preserving hard-won gains.” They state that while America is “alienating its friends,” “the ruins of American foreign policy” are observable everywhere. Why is America in such an unprecedented hopeless state?

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Russia in Biblical Prophecy

As Western powers continue to attempt to diffuse the volatile situation regarding Russia, Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula, what does the Bible have to say about Russia’s and Europe’s prophetic roles in these end times? Is a war prophesied between Russia and the USA prior to Christ’s return? Or do we read about a terrible war involving great nations such as Russia and China, as well as a strong European power bloc? This program as well as our completely free booklets, “Biblical Prophecy From Now Until Forever” and “The Ten Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire” give you detailed answers from your Bible.

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