Israel Betrayed by USA and Forsaken by the World

“Obama Backstabs Israel.” With this headline, the Drudge Report introduced the Obama Administration’s decision to abstain from, rather than veto a resolution by the UN Security Council, condemning Israeli settlements. Israel, as well as US Democrats and Republicans, are outraged and are speaking of dire consequences. Most countries, including Germany, support the anti-Israel resolution. Why are these developments highly explosive in the light of biblical prophecy?


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The Trump Phenomenon-How To Explain It!

No matter what Donald Trump is saying or doing, he has so far emerged as the uncontested winner in just about every battle or controversy, and his popularity is rising. Why is this so? How can the Trump phenomenon be explained? Could it be that God has a hand in it, and that events are taking place to fulfill biblical prophecy for the end time? It is important that you know the truth.

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WHY America’s and Europe’s Betrayal of Ukraine?

The last “cease-fire” agreement pertaining to Ukraine is dead, and the war in Ukraine continues. Europe is accused of following an appeasement policy towards Vladimir Putin’s Russia, as the Allies did towards Adolph Hitler in regard to Czechoslovakia. America is accused of “disengagement,” “weakness” and unproductive “strategic patience.” Vladimir Putin is looked upon as the only winner who wants to annex more countries and who is quite successful in pushing the US and Europe further and further apart. The West stands condemned as having broken an international treaty promising to protect Ukrainian territorial integrity. WHY is all of this happening? Is God working out a plan which brings about end-time prophecies?

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