Did Solomon have God’s Holy Spirit?

Does the Bible tell us whether wise King Solomon did receive the Holy Spirit, and if so, whether he lost it again because of his sins? Many Scriptures give us answers and serve as admonition and warning.

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Any prophetic fallout from Harry’s and Meghan’s interview?

The bombshell interview with Oprah has prompted many different emotional reactions all over the world. This program does not address at all who is right or wrong. But it focuses on interesting developments which might be a preview of things to come. The Bible has much to say about the future of Britain’s monarchy and the Commonwealth.

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Escaping Sin

We are to overcome sin continuously, but sin is very deceptive. This sermon will give many examples from the Bible of people who were not immune to sinning… who were at times easily ensnared by sin; who did not feel that a particular sin was such a big deal; or who did not even recognize sin for what it was, thinking that their actions were justified.

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Demons on the Loose

God did not create Satan and demons. And still, they exist! How is this possible? In what way do they influence man? What powers do they have? Could they affect and deceive you? Why is it so dangerous to dabble in the occult? How can we conquer demons?

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Captivity Reversed

The ninth chapter of the book of Daniel teaches us that Jesus Christ was killed in 31 A.D., after 3 ½  years of His public ministry, which began in 27 A.D. Since it was decreed that He should conduct His public ministry for seven years, He will complete the remaining 3 ½ years here on earth after His return. During that time, He will end the captivity of the enslaved modern descendants of the houses of Israel and Judah; deal with them in the wilderness; and ultimately bring them, together with the resurrected King David, to the Promised Land.

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