“The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

How do governmental officials all over the world try to deal with those who have not been vaccinated against the corona virus? Of course, there have been lockdowns or severe restrictions of movement and access to facilities; there has been the push for mandatory vaccinations, and there have been arrests of unvaccinated persons who showed their faces in public, but this program will address mainly the verbal abuse by governmental leaders and others which has become more and more common.
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America’s Disastrous Downfall under Biden—Comments on News and Prophecy, December 11, 2021

For over 20 years, we have told our audience what the future will bring, based on biblical prophecy. We have warned about ongoing worldwide dictatorships with autocratic governmental restrictions and mandates. In this report, we address the inevitable downfall of the USA under the failing Biden Administration, including inflation, unemployment, staggering costs of trillions of dollars for Biden’s proposed projects; and, following the Afghanistan debacle,  threats from China and Russia, which do not take the US President seriously. We address concerns about Joe Biden’s mental health and his repetition of his fabricated and at times slanderous stories;  and his unconstitutional vaccination mandates which are supported by Anthony Fauci, but which are smacked down by federal courts.

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US Government under Attack regarding Israel, Afghanistan, and its Vaccination Policies—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 7, 2021

Due to Iran’s and Hezbollah’s attack on Israel and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the situation in these areas is getting more and more precarious and devastating. The USA is largely blamed for the developments. We also observe fear-mongering in many countries regarding Covid-19, including in the USA, with medical recommendations and governmental measures and mandates continuously changing. Opposition, demonstrations and resistance in the USA and Western nations are growing. How will governments in those countries respond?

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Consequences of Mandatory Vaccinations against Corona

While the world and the American people focus on the outcome of the presidential election—and rightly so—this program addresses a somewhat related issue which will affect everyone personally in the very near future—that of vaccinations against the coronavirus. Will these vaccinations become mandatory and be enforced? If so, what will be the consequences for all involved… whether they comply or refuse? In a nightmarish non-religious article, frightening parallels to biblical prophecies are being discussed.

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The Coronavirus and the Migrant Crisis–Comments on News and Prophecy, March 7, 2020

Europe and especially Germany are facing a most serious challenge in the form of another migrant crisis, while the hysterical reactions to the coronavirus outbreak are reaching astronomical proportions. At the same time, it has been stated by experts that within the next 18 months, 65 million people might die of the virus. The global economy is already at the brink of recession, if not depression, and there is fear that another pandemic, much more deadly than the coronavirus, is on the horizon.

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