Shocking Developments in Germany—Comments on News and Prophecy (April 18, 2020)

What is happening in Germany right now—under the disguise of protecting the public from the coronavirus—should shake everybody up. Horrible methods are being used to silence dissenters, while restrictive measures remain in force which is clearly violating the German Constitution. But some are waking up, especially when it comes to the disproportionate prohibitions of religious services and assemblies.

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Suicide—Why…and How to Prevent It?

Suicide rates are on the rise; especially in rural counties of the USA. This week has been declared as the “National Suicide Prevention Week,” to bring awareness to the warning signs of suicide. But what are they? What drives a person to wanting to commit this final act? Discouragement and depression are leading causes of suicide, but why do people become depressed? Why is suicide so useless? Why is it never a solution? What can you do if you know of a person in danger… or if you yourself are that person?  

Corruption and Lies in Satan’s World

We are living in a corrupt world, which is ruled by Satan the Devil. This program will give you recent examples of lies, deceit, corruption and delusion in the field of worldwide soccer or football; the controversial NSA Data Collection program; the false idea of America’s good reputation in the world; an incredibly hateful Muslim sermon on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem; the unrealized danger of transgender identity; the push for female pronouns to identify the Christian God; and the hot debate on same-sex marriages in Germany. We are offering a free subscription to our weekly Update and a free copy of our booklet, “Human Suffering…Why, and How Much Longer?”

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