Prophetic Relevance of the US-Iran Conflict

The murder of an American contractor by an Iranian proxy; the subsequent American assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani; the following Iranian missile attack on two Iraqi bases housing US troops; and the almost simultaneous crash of an Ukrainian airline shortly after taking off from Tehran Airport have shown the world again how an outright war in the Middle East can break out. Threats and counter threats, as well as some news analysis, paint a picture which is very close to prophesied events as revealed in the Bible.

Germany Goes Nuclear?

Deeply disturbing developments are being discussed by German politicians right now… from reinstating mandatory military service for men and women to creating a nuclear-armed Germany.  What was once taboo and unthinkable is now openly debated. The Bible has forewarned for a long time that a militaristic united Europe under German leadership WILL start a nuclear war against former allies.

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No More Religious Freedom in the USA?

The decision of a U.S. District Judge in Kentucky to jail County Clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious beliefs manifests ongoing and increasing religious persecution in America. Politicians who say that Davis has to obey the law of the land do not seem to understand the complexity of the matter. Numerous examples will be presented in this program, showing that individual religious freedom is under attack and violated on a constant basis. The trend will continue, being pursued by a relentless tiny minority which is determined to impose its will on a silent majority. But whom are we to obey more–man or God?

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