What God’s Church Needs to Do!– Comments on News and Prophecy

We are told to cry aloud and spare not.  This includes, pointing at and proclaiming prophetic developments in the light of biblical prophecy. And we must do so boldly and with conviction. Some don’t do this at all; others want us to give a watered-down Laodicean-type message, where anything goes. But this is not what we must do.

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Will the Relationship between the USA and Europe Improve?

Some are hopeful that the relationship between the USA and the EU, which has not been that good, will get better substantially because of the new US Administration. Others are not so sure, or they even doubt it very much. Listen to many articles from national and international liberal and conservative sources to note what their take is on the matter.

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Europe and America–No Longer Friends!

Alarming reports from the Munich Security Conference 2020 read like this: “America and the EU live in parallel universes.” “There has never been such a rift before.” “Europe is further away from Washington than ever.” “There will be no return to close trans-Atlantic ties.” At the same time, Europe rediscovers its “need” to become a strong military power in the light of America’s “disengagement” from Europe and its “lack of commitment to Europe.” Where will all of this lead?

Why are US-European Relationships at their Worst?

Most Americans do not comprehend HOW DEEP the trans-Atlantic rift is. They live in willful ignorance, and the mass media is largely responsible.  The lack of coverage of the extremely important events during the Munich Security Conference 2019 is a prime example. The contrast between the attendees’ reception of Angela Merkel and the rejection of Mike Pence could not have been greater. Some claim that it will get better after the Trump era. They are deeply mistaken.

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New German Leadership Out of Nowhere?

While it is becoming more and more probable that Donald Trump will become the Republican nominee and even the next American President, we are focusing on Europe and especially Germany where the situation is not all that different. People here and there are upset with the political establishment and looking for “outsiders.” Angela Merkel is no longer the “Queen of Europe,” the “Iron Lady of Europe,” or the “most powerful politician in Europe.” Rather, she has become a lonely figure, and Europeans are wishing for new leadership, which has to “emerge somewhere,” “out of nowhere.” The Bible indicates that this is exactly what will happen. We are offering free booklets on this program for further information.

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