How and When Will There Be Worldwide Nuclear War?

We hear more and more about the danger of a tactical or limited or even worldwide nuclear war, especially in regard to the war in Ukraine and the situation involving Taiwan, but many dismiss this idea as absurd. The Bible does predict a global catastrophic nuclear war, but it will occur quite differently from what many suspect.

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Nuclear War Between North Korea and the USA?

Many feel that the most recent economic sanctions by the UN Security Council will not halt North Korea’s nuclear power program. But what can America do, short of a military strike, which would be a devastating move? Is it possible that North Korea could attack American territory, like Guam, and American cities? Does the Bible give us any hints?

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Is Nuclear War Unavoidable?

Sadly, the Bible declares that nuclear and conventional war is unavoidable for the carnal human mind. But why? To illustrate the point, we give you three examples to show reasons why natural man does not know–and cannot find–the way to peace. We speak of the use of the atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the astonishing condemnation of these actions by American presidents and military leaders; the sad legacy of Peace Nobel Prize recipient President Obama as THE American war time president of all time; and ludicrous comments by Pope Francis regarding Islam and Christianity.

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Nuclear World War and Contamination

Examples from Japan and Chernobyl show us, in a very limited way, what will happen very soon to this entire planet. If Christ would not intervene, no human being would survive.

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