Germany Was Never a Pacifist Power

It has been recently alleged that due to the Afghanistan debacle and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Germany has given up its pacifist stance to become more engaged in military activities. But as this program shows, Germany was never a pacifist power, and Bible prophecy tells us what Germany will do very soon.

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World War III and Christ’s Return

Jesus warned that just prior to His Second Coming, an all-encompassing World War would threaten the very survival of mankind. We are living in those times today. Just this week, numerous articles were published, showing how World War III could begin… and where! While the world is asleep and its leaders are like sleepwalkers, reality paints a terrible picture. You NEED to know what is REALLY happening! We offer our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy–From Now Until Forever.”

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Iran’s Deal of the Century

This week, an “historical deal” was struck between Iran and certain super powers. But how long will the “Geneva agreement” last? While some praise it as a tremendous success, the cautious voices are worth listening to. Is the deal the first step to make the world safer, or is it a further step towards its destruction?

We explain in our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy” that Iran-biblical Elam-will be involved in a war against Israel; and that it will also form an alliance with Russia against Europe.

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