Biden’s Ministry of Truth and Consequences of the Ukraine War—Comments on News and Prophecy, May 14, 2022

In this program, we speak on the formation of the new “Disinformation Governance Board”, warning of the dangers of such a body and of the people involved who are being accused of having a history of spreading lies and misinformation… which, according to some, can also be said, allegedly, of the US government itself over many years. It is contended that the formation of the new body manifests the ever-growing move towards total dictatorship within the USA. We also speak on the consequences of the war in Ukraine for the USA and for the entire world—including the depletion of America’s weapons and famine for many countries.
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How Your Government Is Spying on YOU!

On June 5, the British paper, The Guardian, published an unbelievable story, showing the incredible intrusion of the American government into the privacy of the lives of potentially every American citizen-including YOU! George Orwell’s 1984 comes to mind, but reality much worse, and it has been going on for many years. The American mainstream media has been conspicuously silent about the most recent development-as they have been about many other scandals. Most people don’t care anyhow; others think foolishly that a change in administration will make things better. They fail to forget who is really the god of this world-including the USA-and that the true God will intervene soon to make an end to man’s terrible misrule.

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