Two Popes Fighting Each Other–Comments on News and Prophecy (January 18, 2020)

If you are tempted to give up because of your problems, don’t! Yes, the world is getting darker, with unparalleled worldwide debt; unusual volcano and earthquake activities; Europe’s stance against Trump; the Middle East in turmoil; loss of moral values, even in Israel; and two popes fighting each other. But all of this only shows how close we are to the return of Jesus Christ.

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2017–a Dangerous Year

2016 ended as it began–with uncertainty, fear, violence and tremendous upheaval. It appears that 2017 will be worse. Are the dark days of the 1930’s upon us, as Prince Charles warns? Are “things falling apart” and is “mere anarchy loosed upon the world,” indicating the Second Coming of Christ, as the Catholic Church in England suspects? Has the world “turned upside down,” as Angela Merkel stated? A grim picture emerges, when we contemplate worldwide terrorism, global Islamist extremism and ISIS, Donald Trump’s USA, the UK’s Brexit, coming elections in France, The Netherlands and Germany, as well as events in Syria, Iraq, Israel, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Afghanistan, Putin’s Russia, China, North Korea, Japan and the Philippines. Are we really that close to the Great Tribulation and the annihilation of mankind?

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