Pope Francis and Hell–Closer to the Truth?

Recently, Pope Francis allegedly denied the existence of hell and the immortal soul of the wicked. The Vatican scrambled to “clarify” these comments, and the traditional Christian world responded with astonishment and anger. And even though the official Catholic teaching is clearly at odds with those comments, Pope Francis made similar statements in the past, and other popes did likewise. But who is right–or could they all be wrong? What does the Bible say about life after death?

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Pope Francis’ Fight with the Vatican

It has been almost a recent routine by the Vatican to ignore, dispute or “clarify” something that Pope Francis has (allegedly) said. This includes statements about communism, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage, and whether animals go to heaven when they die. Pope Francis is also involving himself more and more in political affairs, such as the relationship between the USA and Cuba. His popularity is enormous, especially in Europe, due to his charming appearance. His most recent strong attack against the Curia has been described as “without historic precedent” and “one last warning before a direct confrontation.” A spokesman for the Vatican has also referred to him as a “prophet.” What can we expect to occur in the future? We offer two free booklets, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?” and “Man’s Holidays or God’s Holy Days?”

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Do the Dead Work Miracles?

Pope John Paul II became a saint after two miracles were attributed to him after his death. A four-year old child had a near-death experience during which he allegedly communicated with his dead sister. True or false? Is something like this possible? Are the dead still alive? Can they work miracles or communicate with us? Or are we dealing here with terrible deceptions of demonic origin? What does your Bible say? Order our free booklet, “Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

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