How Will the New Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Be “Solved”?

Not in the way most expect. The Russian blockade of the Azov Sea and the capture of three Ukrainian ships and sailors caused the USA and the EU to condemn Russia for violating international law, but Russia denies this and couldn’t care less. Even though Ukraine is asking NATO and the EU, including Germany, for further economic sanctions and military intervention, this does not seem to be likely. What, then, is going to happen? History from World War II and the Bible give us answers.

WHY America’s and Europe’s Betrayal of Ukraine?

The last “cease-fire” agreement pertaining to Ukraine is dead, and the war in Ukraine continues. Europe is accused of following an appeasement policy towards Vladimir Putin’s Russia, as the Allies did towards Adolph Hitler in regard to Czechoslovakia. America is accused of “disengagement,” “weakness” and unproductive “strategic patience.” Vladimir Putin is looked upon as the only winner who wants to annex more countries and who is quite successful in pushing the US and Europe further and further apart. The West stands condemned as having broken an international treaty promising to protect Ukrainian territorial integrity. WHY is all of this happening? Is God working out a plan which brings about end-time prophecies?

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Will Russia Invade Eastern Ukraine?

When Russia invaded Crimea, many commentators were in shock and demanded a reversal. Recently, German governmental officials stated that no reversal is in sight, and that the international community has lost interest in demanding Russian departure from Crimea.

In addition, concerns are rising that Russia’s next step will be a military invasion of eastern Ukraine, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel made some controversial statements which alarmed those Ukrainians who do not want to be ruled by Russia.

For a biblical perspective on the matter, we are offering our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy… From Now Until Forever.”

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