China on the Warpath—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 6, 2022

Was Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban correct with his recent comments about human races? Why are new conditions after COVID shots and Fauci’s misinformation alarming, and why are Germany’s new Corona restrictions so stupid? In what way did Biden’s monumental failure contribute to the terrible situation in Afghanistan; and what did Pelosi’s visit in Taiwan trigger regarding China? Frightening news from China may signal a Chinese military strike on US forces in the region. What would or could the USA do in such a case?

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Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Is so Dangerous

Recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s official statement about the death of Cuba’s Fidel Castro in November of 2016 resurfaced in the news, and his comments are indeed stunning and extremely revealing in light of what is happening in Canada right now. Trudeau’s declarations in 2016 were strongly condemned, but might reflect how Trudeau ticks. This program analyzes the actions of dictator Fidel Castro and compares them with what is happening in Canada right now.

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Are You Prepared for Civil War?

We are facing numerous challenges, all of which can lead or have already led to violence, but the outcome may not only be civil unrest, but also civil war. This program discusses some of the current challenges, from the contested US election and racism to coronavirus restrictions, which, taken together, are turning the US into a “powder-keg” and creating a perfect storm; and it presents an astonishing and frightening lesson from history. Are you prepared for what might be coming very soon?

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The Paradox of BLM and the Fight against Racism

Do the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement and violent riots and protests against racism really help the black community, or do they hurt them and others? Do they in fact contribute to the destruction of the USA and the UK? In this program, we will examine many examples to give you the undisputable answers to these questions.

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Do you disobey God while accepting the mark of the beast?

In this time of confusion, many may unknowingly accept the mark of the beast without which they cannot buy or sell. Some point out that you can’t go shopping without wearing a mask or practicing social distancing; that you might be forced to become vaccinated or to accept some tracking device or a microchip with medical data. What about this? And whom do you obey when there is a real conflict between the laws of God and the injunctions of men?

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Charlottesville—Is Condemnation of Trump Justified?

What did really happen on August 12 in Charlottesville, Virginia? Was President Trump wrong in how he described the events? Did he equate the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists with people like the innocent victim, Heather Heyer, who died at the hands of a murderer? Is the almost universal condemnation of the President’s words justified? What about the violent anti-Fascist movement? And what about the removal of the statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee? What does this all mean for the future of our country?

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