What God’s Church Needs to Do!– Comments on News and Prophecy

We are told to cry aloud and spare not.  This includes, pointing at and proclaiming prophetic developments in the light of biblical prophecy. And we must do so boldly and with conviction. Some don’t do this at all; others want us to give a watered-down Laodicean-type message, where anything goes. But this is not what we must do.

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The Falling Away Has Begun!

The Bible prophesies that a large group of people will fall away from the Truth just prior to Christ’s Return. We are also told that individuals have been falling away from the Truth at all times. What are the reasons for falling away from God? And how are we to act when we are confronted with lying and grievous wolves who are trying to deceive us and encourage us to leave the Church of God?

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Comments on News and Prophecy (August 18, 2018)

In this new feature, we are commenting on our age of selfishness; the worst-case chaotic scenario of a “no deal Brexit”; the biblical prophecy of a third temple prior to Christ’s return and the ignorance of those who reject this truth; the reasons for Turkey’s fight with the USA; the future of Romania; military parades and the Millennium; Florida’s red tide; and the autocratic rule of the “dictator pope.” We also address the biblical reasons for ordinations.

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How to Cope with Trials in the Light of Prophecy and Christ’s Return

All of us have problems and trials and are oftentimes victims of persecution. Do our problems seem to be overwhelming and unique? Even though Satan is the author of persecution, which is increasing as he knows that his time is short, God will always help us to be victorious. But how can we know that Christ’s return is near? Not by focusing on wrong speculations, but by accepting the clear word of biblical prophecy. And since we know that our time is short, what are we to do now?

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