Could America Be Attacked Soon?

Preposterous? Unimaginable? Don’t dismiss this possibility out of hand, because the BIBLE tells you that it IS going to happen! Recent events give unmistakable signs for those who understand God’s Holy Word. Will you ignore them or even scoff at them, at your own peril? Will you belong to those who will be caught unawares, when the day of destruction overtakes the USA and other countries like a thief in the night?

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Germany’s Dirty Politics

The events in Germany serve as a striking example as to how dirty and rotten politics is. But why is that? What can all of us learn from these developments? And do the events point at significant biblical prophecies—especially, when focusing on the political future of Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz?

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America and Britain–Global Leaders No More!

“In 2017, Trump relinquished America’s 70-year role as global leader”; “The largest trend today is the decline of American influence”; “American leadership has reached its end”; “America’s power and global influence have plummeted like a stone”; “The United States is withdrawing from the world stage”; “The incredible shrinking Britain”; “Brexit has taken its toll on Britain’s foreign policy”; “The UK presence has been barely noticeable.” These quotes from several news articles show the declining role of the USA and the UK on the world scene. But who will fill the power vacuum? Some point at Russia and China. But the real future world leader is rising somewhere else.

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Europe’s New Defense Pact… Blessing or Curse?

On November 13, 2017, European defense ministers signed the Permanent Structured Cooperation pact. This new military agreement has been hailed by some as a “historic step” and a “milestone in European development,” which was “70 years” in the making. Others, especially in Britain and Russia, look at this pact with great concern and warn of terrible consequences. What is this all about, and what does biblical prophecy reveal?

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The World Is Afraid of President Trump

Donald Trump will soon be the most powerful man in the world. Most did not anticipate this, and the world is shocked and concerned. How did all of this happen, and what does the future hold? Will the relationship between Europe and the USA deteriorate? Are the Great Tribulation and nuclear World War III coming?

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