Is God Punishing the USA?

For years, we have announced that the USA will fall, and more recently, that this fall is imminent. Now, a remarkable new article in the Jerusalem Post is contemplating the same development, while raising the question about whether God may have something to do with it. In this program, we discuss this possibility in more detail.

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“The Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

How do governmental officials all over the world try to deal with those who have not been vaccinated against the corona virus? Of course, there have been lockdowns or severe restrictions of movement and access to facilities; there has been the push for mandatory vaccinations, and there have been arrests of unvaccinated persons who showed their faces in public, but this program will address mainly the verbal abuse by governmental leaders and others which has become more and more common.
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How the World Will Be Saved

The Day of Atonement (September 28, 2020) pictures unique events in human history and shows us how the entire world will have access to God to reach its potential to be saved and inherit salvation. While this day refers mainly to collective reconciliation between God and man, it does not exclude the role of those who have already been begotten by God’s Spirit in this life. The rituals which were to be carried out on this day in Old Testament times show us what Christ has already accomplished and how He will deal with Satan; and they point out how the world can become at-one with God.

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Suicide—Why…and How to Prevent It?

Suicide rates are on the rise; especially in rural counties of the USA. This week has been declared as the “National Suicide Prevention Week,” to bring awareness to the warning signs of suicide. But what are they? What drives a person to wanting to commit this final act? Discouragement and depression are leading causes of suicide, but why do people become depressed? Why is suicide so useless? Why is it never a solution? What can you do if you know of a person in danger… or if you yourself are that person?  

Obeying Trump to Launch Nuclear Strike?

Adm. Scott Swift, the U.S. Pacific Fleet commander, said he would launch a nuclear attack against  a foreign country, if ordered by President Trump, stating that every member of the US military has sworn an oath to obey the Commander in Chief. This is the same reasoning which was employed by German officers for obeying Adolf Hitler. What is wrong with this rationale in the eyes of God and the Bible? Can a true Christian be a nationalist, defending his country, “whether right or wrong,” and fighting in his country’s wars?

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