Johnson’s Brexit; Trump’s Impeachment; Netanyahu’s New Elections… What Do They Have in Common?

After the momentous election victory of Boris Johnson, Brexit is given and
will occur very soon. But new troubles with Europe and within the UK are on
the horizon. The morbid efforts of Democrats to impeach Donald Trump have
guaranteed his re-election. And Benjamin Netanyahu will remain in power
until the next election in March and beyond. The friendship between these
three leaders and the close cooperation between their three countries
against virtually the entire world is biblically remarkable from a
biblically prophetic standpoint.

Europe’s New Defense Pact… Blessing or Curse?

On November 13, 2017, European defense ministers signed the Permanent Structured Cooperation pact. This new military agreement has been hailed by some as a “historic step” and a “milestone in European development,” which was “70 years” in the making. Others, especially in Britain and Russia, look at this pact with great concern and warn of terrible consequences. What is this all about, and what does biblical prophecy reveal?

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